Wives Betrayal Basics Webinar

Has your heart been crushed recently by sexual betrayal? You may feel confused, terrified, and traumatized and not sure where to turn or what to do. This crisis necessitates support.

Is there help?

This 55-minute free webinar is an opportunity to receive basic information on healing from betrayal trauma. It is also a good place to start getting to know our Wives Care Community.

Our goal during this webinar is to provide you with a safe and confidential space to consider options that promote healing for those who have been hurt by a spouse’s sexual brokenness. The ways these principles and options will apply to your reality will be unique to you. It is our prayer that this time together will encourage you with hope for the future.
Hearing from others who have been there is hope-giving.

Topics we cover:

  • Betrayal trauma
  • Managing strong emotions
  • Focusing on my journey
  • Boundaries
  • 4 Cs
  • Education
  • Self-care


Anne Donohue, Life Coach & Wives Care Coordinator

Along with one of our wonderful Wives Care Volunteers

October 10, 2024

7-8:00 pm (EST)

Online -Zoom format

Presented by

Regeneration Ministries

November 9, 2023
7:00pm Eastern Time

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